Final Shoque 2000


Final Shoque'2000 virtual 8-bit graphics compo

(C) 2000, Triumph

download here

Final Shoque'2000 VISUALIZE Compo final results:

1 ìåñòî
«Keep ZX!» by ZSV^MIU^CTL
1303 points

2 ìåñòî
«I likes you?» by ÒÀÅ^Sinclair Club
1012 points
3 ìåñòî
«Lost» by pROF^4th Dimension
992 points

4 ìåñòî
«Pain» by GAS13
988 points
5 ìåñòî
«My ArMy!» by Surv!vor
975 points

6 ìåñòî
«Milla Jovovich» by Minisoft^ACL
928 points
7 ìåñòî
«Harmony» by Ice'Di^Triumph
911 points

8 ìåñòî
«Dreams come true!» by Blade^Triumph
887 points
9 ìåñòî
«Tibidok» by Spencer Winset^DG
864 points

10 ìåñòî
«Forest Warrior» by Psychotron^LFG
856 points
11 ìåñòî
«Scream 13» by Kristoph^CTL
815 points

12 ìåñòî
«Disfigured by evil» by Pastor^Triumph
812 points
13 ìåñòî
«Eyeapple» by Mash^CPU
797 points

14 ìåñòî
«Leorior» by Stanly^Studio Stall
788 points
15 ìåñòî
«Dura» by Kloun^DTR^FDM
782 points

16 ìåñòî
«Prairie» by Ironlord^Mild Group
746 points
17 ìåñòî
«Robocop» by MyKAT^Sinclair Club
705 points

18 ìåñòî
«Indik» by Ironlord^Mild Group
675 points
19 ìåñòî
«Mickey Mouse» by KACuK^Sinclair Club
612 points

20 ìåñòî
«Best friend of man» by Yerzmyey^HPRG
590 points
21 ìåñòî
«Mouse» by Stanly^Studio Stall
584 points

22 ìåñòî
«Sophy Hapgood» by Åïàí÷èíöåâ Ì.Â.
556 points
23 ìåñòî
«Bounty» by Dimidrol^Mild Group
535 points

24 ìåñòî
«User» by Azon^Sinclair Club
453 points
25 ìåñòî
«Cheerz!» by Hellboj^Hooy PRG^PHT
382 points

26 ìåñòî
«Tremens» by SiNN^DTR^FDM
342 points

Final Shoque'2000 TECHNICS Compo final results:

1 ìåñòî
«Keep ZX!» by ZSV^MIU^CTL
48 points

2 ìåñòî
«Pain» by GAS 13
43 points
3 ìåñòî
«My army!» by SURV!VOR
42 points

4 ìåñòî
«6ecCul main theme» by Blade^Triumph
38 points
5 ìåñòî
«Lost» by pROF^4th
37 points

6 ìåñòî
«Screams 13» by Kristoph^CTL
33 points
7 ìåñòî
«Forest Warrior» by Psychotron^LFG
29 points

8 ìåñòî
«I likes you?» by TAE^Sinclair club
28 points
9 ìåñòî
«Plastik» by Ice'Di^Triumph
26 points

9 ìåñòî
«Milla Jovovich» by Minisoft^ACL
26 points
9 ìåñòî
«Baklan» by Tiden^DT^FDM
23 points

chapter1     :                                    ¦
-------------+-¦ VISUALIZE Compo Final Results: ¦-+
:            L-¦    Respect to the winners!     ¦--

  | place : screen           :  author              : points |
  :  - ---+--- -        - ---+--- -            - ---+--- -   :
   01   | Keep ZX!         |  ZSV^MIU^CTL         | [1303]
  :  02   : ß òåáå íðàâëþñü? :  ÒÀÅ^Sinclair Club   : [1012] :
  |  03   | Lost             |  pROF^4th Dimension  | [0992] |
  + ------+------- -    - ---+--- -            - -- +--- -   +
  |  04   | pain             |  GAS 13              | [0988] |
  :  05   : My ArMy!         :  Surv!vor            : [0975] :
   06     Milla Jovovich      Minisoft^ACL          [0928]
     07     Harmony             Ice'Di^Triumph        [0911]  
  :  08   : Dreams come true!   Blade^Triumph       : [0887] :
    09   : Tibidok             Spencer Winset^DG   | [0864] 
  :  10   | ree:forest warrior  Psychotron^LFG      ¦ [0856] |
  |  11   | scream13            Kristoph^CTL        | [0815] |
  |  12   ¦ Disfigured by evil  Pastor^Triumph      : [0812] ¦
  ¦  13   ¦ eyeapple            Mash^CPU              [0797] ¦
  ¦  14   ¦ leorior          :  Stanly^Studio Stall   [0788] ¦
  ¦  15   | dura             |  Kloun^DTR^FDM         [0782] ¦
  ¦  16   | prairie          ¦  Ironlord^Mild Group   [0746] ¦
  |  17   : robocop          |  MyKAT^Sinclair Club   [0705] |
  |  18   : indik            :  Ironlord^Mild Group   [0675] |
  :  19     mickey mouse        KACuK^Sinclair Club   [0612] :
   20     best friend of man  Yerzmyey^Hooy PRG.    [0590]
  :  21     mouse               Stanly^Studio Stall   [0584] :
   22     Sophy hapgood       Åïàí÷èíöåâ Ì.Â.       [0556]
   23     bounty              Dimidrol^Mild Group   [0535]
   24     user                Azon^Sinclair Club    [0453]
  :  25   : cheerz!          :  Hellboj^Hooy PRG^PHT  [0382] :
  |  26   | tremens          |  SiNN^DTR^FDM        : [0342] |